By Friday, the area I live in and most of the South East will be under a Winter Storm Watch! I love snow and I am hoping we will get the 5-9 inches they are calling for. We have no plans other than church this weekend so it would be great to hang out and play in the snow with the kids! I am also planning on some old fashioned stove top hot chocolate and I found a great recipe @ Southern Plate. My husband went out and bought some sleds for the kiddos so I know he is planning on having fun also. Tomorrow, after work I have to go to the grocery and get a few things. I am sure it will be crowded. I am going to share a few pics I have found from the past winter weather fun.
This is from Jan. 2009 Ice Storm
More from the Ice Storm
We can do without ice, but we love snow:)
This has been a few years ago. It is probably the only snowman my kids have got to build and it wasn't long until the snow melted that day. We just don't get snow here like we used to.
Here is our house, I love the look of snow on the roof-tops.
Stay warm everyone, I can't wait for some Hot Chocolate:)