Friday, September 11, 2009


Today I have spent a lot of time thinking back to September 11th, 2001!  I can remember exactly everything about that day.  I was working in an outpatient type setting in a local hospital, when we heard the news over the radio.  I didn't think it was to serious at first but as the morning and events went on, we knew.  I was lucky to be with some great friends and co-workers that day.  We had some time of silence and watched as the events took place.  We were even able to take time out from our jobs and pray together in the hospital chapel.  I remember wanting to go get my 23 month old daughter Sarah and get home and be with my husband and my family.  I was scheduled off work the rest of the week for a trip we had already planned to Gatlinburg, TN.  We were leaving on September 13th, and was hesitant to travel especially with our little girl, but we went ahead anyway.  It was amazing once we arrived in Pigeon Forge the amount of patriotism we saw.  Just about every car had some sort of American Flag or Red, White, and Blue decoration.  In bumper to bumper traffic on the strip of Pigeon Forge this was something to see.  It made things seem a little better.  It made me proud to be an American:)  I can also remember hoping for the ones lost at the World Trade Center in the days that followed and praying for all the victims and families it had affected.  I think about this day often and especially on today I look back and REMEMBER.......THANK YOU to those who serve this country and community service men and women who risk their lives everyday!

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