Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What's in the mail?

When I went to get the mail today I found this........

My mom has given me a gift subscription to this magazine and I LOVE IT!
This is something she usually does for me and my sisters and it is so nice to get something in the mail:)

She has also given us this one a few years ago......

She said that everytime we come to her house we always look at her Southern Living magazines and sometimes we may have even taken one home to borrow:) HA!
Thanks mom for the "gifts in the mail"--- love getting my magazines and recipes!!
Merry Christmas!!!


Crystal said...

What a sweet gift! Also, I've tagged you on my blog with an award!

Joyce said...

I love these both. I am getting Real Simple now which I also like alot.

Have a great day!

Liv said...

One of my friends made that chocolate cake for me on my birthday! It was very good!